Thursday, March 7, 2013

Solid Advice For Anyone Trying To Beat Acne

By Steve Jones

Acne is quite bothersome, but there are things that can be done to avoid it. There are many triggers that can lead to a breakout, but there are also many treatments that can help lessen the occurrence of pimples. Here are some helpful ideas for people who have acne.

Popping pimples is common among acne sufferers. If they are sore or extremely bothersome and you feel you need to pop them, then at least wash your hands and fingernails thoroughly beforehand to avoid any extra bacteria getting into the pores. You should first try not to pop a pimple but if you must, do so responsibly.

Look for acne treatments that contain salicylic acid. When combined with beta hydroxyl acids, skin cell shedding happens more rapidly.

There is no foolproof plan to prevent acne attacks; however, you can make efforts geared towards prevention. It is important to keep hair care products off of your skin as much as humanly possible. There is a lot of oil in these type of products and they can cause acne to flare up.

Stress aggravates acne, so have good times, relax and exercise whenever possible. If you become overly stressed every time you see a pimple, you will enter a negative feedback loop that worsens your acne and makes you more stressed.

To fight acne, make sure you're washing your linens frequently. These linens will all collect bacteria that can leave you with acne. Change your clothes every day and wash them regularly to prevent bacteria from growing on them.

Acne can become way worse if you drink things with caffeine and make your skin look bad. You may have fewer acne breakouts if you try to avoid sources of caffeine in your diet.

First, wrap a single piece of ice in a thin cloth, then place the compress on the affected area for no longer than 20 minutes. The cooling effect of ice will take away the redness. If you are hurting in that area, the ice will take the pain away too. Ice is a good thing to use for an anti-inflammatory, and it will cut down on the need to put chemicals on your face that could hurt you.

Are you aware that frequently using your cell phone could be causing your acne breakouts? Oil and skin residue from your face and hair stay on your phone. Next time you use it, those impurities are deposited right back on your face. Keep your phone clean by using cotton balls dipped in alcohol to wipe it free of contaminants. Also, do not place the phone directly against your skin if you can help it.

Avoid using harsh teeth whitening products. If you're getting breakouts around your mouth, look at your dental treatments. Whitening toothpaste, mouth wash and whitening strips sometimes aggravate acne. Your mouth's skin is delicate and can be easily irritated.

Believe it or not, a great remedy to heal already popped pimples is Neosporin. Neosporin has ingredients in it which are made to not only treat infection, but also to lessen redness and irritation in general from a sore. Place a small amount of the medication on a cotton swab and apply to the skin. Be cautious of using too much.

Sunlight does not always have a positive effect on acne. The sun can make your acne worse because it can cause your skin to produce more oil. Sun can also cause wrinkles, and you may even get skin cancer.

Spot treatment is the best option when dealing with smaller outbreaks. This way, you can treat just the area that has acne. The best treatments of this type use sulfur, salicylic acid, and benzyl peroxide. You can also seek out other natural remedies online.

Not wearing make-up, or changing to a water based foundation, may make a difference when caring for acne. Covering up acne with makeup is tempting, but it can clog your pores and make your condition worse. Your pores will stay clear and clean if you stay away from makeup.

It's worth saying again: The most powerful weapon you can use against acne is effective information. With the correct information, your acne condition need not feel so overwhelming.

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